The overanalyzing and overthinking in empaths / high sensitives / curious seekers can cause us to leak energy from our body and our field and have us feeling depleted in situations with people, places and situations. As does the tendency to over give, causing us to NOT have interdependent relationships, but rather codependent relationships with the same. Below I have written about the differences in these two types of relationships. It is imperative that we learn how to " become present " and " in the moment " with life. Working on becoming our own walking meditation daily. Not always thinking about the next thing that needs to be done, said, given, rescued or solved. Otherwise overthinking and overanalyzing will be our default thinking mode and run our day. We are natural seekers and helpers, always asking questions, wondering, wanting to help, add to, figure out, go deeper with our thoughts and in our relationship with life and people. This can keep us in a state of perpetual " beta brain " ( alert, focused thinking state ). When entertaining too much of this particular state, ( out of presence state ) we can go into overload which can create overwhelm. In addition to the overload/overwhelm, we unknowingly can start picking up and adding to our own energy field, the thoughts, feels and impressions of people, places and events that are happening around us ( an empath /sensitive does this naturally ). This enmeshment takes us to a place that has us energetically and sometimes physically exhausted, which then knocks us out of alignment. Our peace, presence, patience, and positive approach to life has now been replaced with denser energy thought forms and feels. This is also where addictions and obsessive-compulsive habits can enter the picture depending on the degree of overload. Also, it's where the fight, flight, freeze and fawning responses become more prevalent in us. Either wanting to bitch, nag complain, argue, leave, shut down and isolate or just resort to people pleasing, as a way to soothe ( coping mechanism ) the unrest that is going on with-in us from the overload. We just gotta numb ourselves out with our favorite addiction or offer an energetically contracted reaction, do we not ? No, we don't. By being in a more reactive state to people and situations, as opposed to holding a state of just being an observer we tend to forget that this sweet space is available to us. A space or state of " being present in the moment " is the least harmful and stressful option. This sweet space allows us to view life from a place of “ isn’t this interesting “ and not having a deep negative, emotional investment which usually sees us criticizing or judging or having a triggered response to whatever narrative that is playing itself out at the time. It's how we will create peace within and in turn it will be created without. In time. Practicing presence and living in the present moment is a skill that can be learned by us empaths/sensitives/seekers in order to be more fully in our power, creativity and alignment. This skill ( if we choose to develop it ) will help us become more interdependent as we walk through all of our relationships with finances, career, family, friends, associates and things! We will move ourselves gradually, with a presence practice, into a brainwave state of alpha ( creative, relaxed and calm state ) . Life will then begin to really FLOW. You can truly be a walking meditation depending on your commitment to the practice of presence. Eckart Tolle is one of the greatest teachers on becoming present. His YouTube video below is called FINDING CLARITY and may give you more understanding about what presence is and what it does for us. I also attached a guided meditation underneath Eckart's video by Sarah Mclean, an amazing meditation teacher, as well. This one will actually take you into a state of presence. Meditation starts about 10 min. in. FYI. This is my two cents for today. Enjoy and may you not be afraid to dive into a present moment practice. Remember, everything will still get done and in an even better way than you can imagine . Truly. It's not only powerful, it is magical, as you begin to watch the synchronicities appear. Presence will produce a flow in your life that will bring an experience of things getting accomplished in an effortless and easy way, as you lessen the resistance to the minds constant cravings and daily gymnastics meet it loves to go to. Try it and see and let me know how it goes! Some Definitions for You ! Interdependency vs Codependency Codependency and interdependency are often confused, but they have distinct differences:
More about the differences between Interdependency and Codependency…. Link:,for%20individual%20identities%20and%20autonomy. Thanks for visiting my blog! Do you want to know more about what I offer and who I am ? RE-Imagine That! Re-Imagining Our Inner World For World Change. Cynthia Spiece Website Services I Offer Testimonials Pricing ( At Bottom of Page ) Have a great day being present ! Cynthia Spiece
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![]() Workshop Overview Come experience the amazing healing and creative vibrations of The Magic Yurt on Mountainaire in Flagstaff, Arizona ! Spend some time with a wonderful tribe of woman creating your very own Empowerment Wand or Talking Stick OR Pendulum! You choose what you want to create! We will will be providing you with all the elements ( rocks, stones, leather, fabric, paint, feathers, crystals, sticks, etc. and pendulum making supplies) for you to craft your own wand, talking stick. or pendulum! Click on pictures to get a better view of the handiwork of past Wanderer attendees! We will also provide a very safe and private space afterwards for a Talking Circle. This circle will give you the opportunity to feel seen and heard regarding the innermost wonderings and wanderings of your heart and mind. Confidentiality in talking circles is top priority and you never have to speak if you do not want to. In addition, a deep dive into yourself will be had, all while taking a Forest Stroll on the property surrounding the Magic Yurt, followed by a Journey of Movement. ( it’s easy ) Then a wonderful Sound Bath Experience will follow, given by Deb Gauld-Lash! Be prepared to have all the stress of the year washed away as she makes her crystal bowls sing ! Deb Gauld-Lash and Cynthia Spiece will be your workshop leaders and guiding you through this journey of wandering into the most sacred parts of yourself. Space is very limited due to the size of the yurt so if you want to sign up keep that in mind. Update: Saturday, Sept. 14 - 2 space left-Sunday, Sept. 15 - 0 spaces left Text Cynthia at 928.257.9588 or Deb at 928.814.8484 saying “ I’m In “ and the day you would like, with your email address so we can send you the payment link and more scoop!. Once you have paid you will be sent the actual address and welcome letter with more deets. ![]() YOUR WORKSHOP LEADERS Deb Gauld-Lash, sound healer and alchemist of Sound and Movement Alchemy will lead us into an amazing Sound Bath Experience. Deb is also a certified yoga teacher and brings to us easy elements of movement for joyful and playful integration of the heart and mind. She is also a certified Foundations Trainer and Instructor which focuses on bio-mechanical movement disciplines. Her teachings encourage her clients to develop a deep connection with their body and mind. Blending ancient wisdom and science while playing sound and vibration using alchemy crystal singing bowls and other primal instruments, she will bring us into a deep state of healing. The majority of her work is done in northern Arizona studios. She does offer private session in the Magic Yurt, as well. She offers four monthly Sound Journeys at various locations in Flagstaff. Barr 3, Synergy Body Mind Spirit, Northern Arizona Cancer Resource Center, and Birch Street Wellness. She resides in Northern Arizona. ![]() Cynthia Spiece, is an Intuitive Reader, Transformational Coach, Medium, and Quantum Energy Practitioner with over forty years experience in the world of metaphysics and transformational intuitive work. Cynthia will lead us in the creative experience of making our own power wand or talking stick, as well as, lead us through the talking circle. Cynthia’s primary work through her business, RE-Imagine That! focus’s on our energy frequencies and the stories they tell and offers insight and clarity into our issues of concern related to all aspects of our lives, personal and business. She offers transformational tools and practices that aid us in raising our energetic vibration, helping us uncover false and disempowering narratives of the mind and mouth and helping us to attract to ourself a life matching the one we IMAGINE ourself living. Although much of her work is done one-on-one via telephone, she also offers in-person and video chat sessions. Her past workshops have included Living Intuitively, Empower Yourself as an Empath, Deepen Your Intuition, Dreamweaver, Raise Your Vibes, and Ask, Believe, Receive. She resides in Southern California. JOIN US WON'T YOU ? 928.257.9588 TEXT IF INTERESTED, HAVE QUESTIONS or ARE READY TO SIGN UP! " ![]() A REVIEW OF THE WORKSHOP " This experience was the best afternoon I've had in a very long time. It was so empowering. It was a reminder that we are not alone. We all need one another's love and support. One forgets that everyone around us is going through something... The Talking Stick Workshop held in the beautiful Magical Yurt in Mountainaire is a vibrant gathering that celebrates the power of voice and community. Participants craft their own Talking Sticks, adorned with beads, feathers, fur, leather, stones, and crystals, each element adding its own energy and story to the creation. The experience is enriched with a sound bath, a soothing auditory journey that harmonizes with the natural surroundings of the property. This was a peaceful luxury of stillness after a nature hike taken on the property. This empowering event is especially meaningful for women, providing a safe space to connect, share stories, and strengthen their inner voice in a supportive environment." Thank you, Rossana Article by Daily Om DAILYOM.COM Create a soft place to land in your home — a refuge from the stress of the day. Our day-to-day demands can quickly take their toll on our well-being if we are not vigilant about caring for ourselves as best we can. One way we can ensure that we have an opportunity to relax and recuperate each day is to create a soft place to land when we arrive home. This landing pad, whether it is an entire room or merely a small corner of an area, can provide us with a safe and comforting refuge in which we can decompress and recover from the day’s stresses. There, we are enveloped in feelings of security that transcend other issues that may be unfolding in our homes. Our landing pads also act as way stations that enable us to shift our attention away from our outer-world concerns and back to our inner-world needs. To create a soft place to land in your home, begin by scouting potential locations, or perhaps, your entire home is your landing pad in which case you may only need to declutter. Your habits can provide you with insight into the perfect spot, as there may be an area of your home you gravitate to naturally when you are in need of comfort. Any space in which you find it easy to let go of stress and anxiety can become your landing pad. A basement or attic, spare room, or unused storage area, furnished with items that soothe you, can give you the privacy you need to unwind. If you appreciate the natural elements, you may find that spending time in a section of your garden or outdoor patio helps you release the day’s tensions. Preparing these spaces can be as easy as replacing clutter with a small selection of beautiful objects that put you in a relaxed frame of mind. Remember to consider noise and activity levels when choosing the site of your landing pad. If you know that ordinary human commotion will distract you from your purpose, look for a secluded spot. Your soft place to land should inspire within you the mantra, “I can breathe here. I can relax here. I know I am safe here.” When you return to your home after braving worldly rigors, you will feel a subtle yet tranquil shift occur inside of you as you settle in to this most personal of retreats and feel centered once again. Photo Taken in Portland, Oregon 2011
My Ruby Girl . If we are not embracing a Vision of the Future then we will be left with the memories of the past which contain beliefs and programs that are recycling into our everyday experience. We then will continue to be a predictable ( same ) person with a predictable ( same ) world staring us in the face. If we want create change we must keep our focus on A Vision of what we want and start training the mind to think greater than how we feel. Joey D. explains how this works. Saturday May 25th - 26th 1-5 $128 for the day ( all supplies included ) Sunday is Full Workshop Overview Come experience the amazing healing vibrations in The Magic Yurt on Mountainaire in Flagstaff, Arizona ! Spend some time with a wonderful tribe of woman creating your very own Empowerment Wand or Talking Stick! You choose what it will be to you! Not only will we be providing you with all the elements ( rocks, stones, leather, fabric, paint, feathers, crystals, sticks, etc. ) for you to craft your own wand or talking stick, we will also create a very safe and private space afterwards for a Talking Circle. This circle will give you the opportunity to feel seen and heard regarding the innermost wonderings and wanderings of your heart and mind. Confidentiality in talking circles is top priority and you never have to speak if you do not want to. In addition, a deep dive into yourself will be had all while taking a Forest Stroll on the property surrounding the Magic Yurt, followed by a Journey of Movement. ( it’s easy ) Then a wonderful Sound Bath Experience will follow, given by Deb Gauld-Lash! Be prepared to have all the stress of the year washed away as she makes her crystal bowls sing ! Deb Gauld-Lash and Cynthia Spiece will be your workshop leaders and guiding you through this journey of wandering into the most sacred parts of yourself. We hope you join us! Space is very limited due to the size of the yurt so if you want to sign up keep that in mind. update : 6 spacees left Text Cynthia at 928.257.9588 saying “ I’m In “ and the day you would like, with your email address so she can send you the payment link. Once you have paid you will be sent the actual address and welcome letter with more deets. Your Workshop Leaders Deb Gauld-Lash, sound healer and alchemist of Sound and Movement Alchemy will lead us into an amazing Sound Bath Experience. Deb is also a certified yoga teacher and brings to us easy elements of movement for joyful and playful integration of the heart and mind. She is also a certified Foundations Trainer and Instructor which focuses on bio-mechanical movement disciplines. Her teachings encourage her clients to develop a deep connection with their body and mind. Blending ancient wisdom and science while playing sound and vibration using alchemy crystal singing bowls and other primal instruments, she will bring us into a deep state of healing. The majority of her work is done in northern Arizona studios. She does offer private session in the Magic Yurt, as well. She offers four monthly Sound Journeys at various locations in Flagstaff. Barr 3, Synergy Body Mind Spirit, Northern Arizona Cancer Resource Center, and Birch Street Wellness. She resides in Northern Arizona. Cynthia Spiece, is an Intuitive Reader, Transformational Coach, Medium, and Quantum Energy Practitioner with over forty years experience in the world of metaphysics and transformational intuitive work. Cynthia will lead us in the creative experience of making our own power wand or talking stick, as well as, lead us through the talking circle. Cynthia’s primary work through her business, RE-Imagine That! focus’s on our energy frequencies and the stories they tell and offers insight and clarity into our issues of concern related to all aspects of our lives, personal and business. She offers transformational tools and practices that aid us in raising our energetic vibration, helping us uncover false and disempowering narratives of the mind and mouth and helping us to attract to ourself a life matching the one we IMAGINE ourself living. Although much of her work is done one-on-one via telephone, she also offers in-person and video chat sessions. Her past workshops have included Living Intuitively, Empower Yourself as an Empath, Deepen Your Intuition, Dreamweaver, Raise Your Vibes, and Ask, Believe, Receive. She resides in Southern California. JOIN US WON'T YOU ?
928.257.9588 TEXT IF INTERESTED, HAVE QUESTIONS or ARE READY TO SIGN UP! One of the most powerful and life changing things that we can give ourselves and the world is the gift of positive self talk. Taking the time to practice self reflection and deep listening to our inner daily dialogue. Listening to what our mind and heart are communicating to us on a continual basis through the words and stories that they are speaking.
Understanding the Small Self It is through the careful listening of this inner dialogue that we will find the unique story of our " small self. " Our disempowered and dysfunctional self. Our wounded and lost self. The one who lives in a world of contraction and limits. A frequency we then emanate that then attracts to us, denser energy manifestations. That density is then emanated out into the world and effects not only all people and situations we engage in, but adds to the collective density, as well. "As with-in, so with-out." Judging, criticizing and constant critiquing of the self is expressed through the voice of the small self. It also will filter out to those closest to us as it will project it's weakened narrative on others believing that they too, are not enough. When the lack of judgment and criticism toward self begin to take form in the mind and emotions, we have then begun to have mastery over our small self. Understanding the Big Self As we begin to work on our self mastery and take the time to self reflect, we begin to be aware of the inner dialogue with-in us that speaks to us of encouragement, support, care and love. We have this voice with-in us also. A voice that is patient with us and allows us to be exactly as we are, and where we are in all matters of the head and heart. It is through the careful listening of this inner dialogue that we will find the unique story of our “ bigger self .“ Our empowered self. Our functional and whole self. Our authentic self. The one who lives in a world of expansion and freedom. In Christian terms, I feel, it is known as the " Resurrected Self " saved by the love and sacrifice of Christ. Buddhism terms it "Our True Nature. " This process of observing our inner dialogue and creating a supportive and stronger " Bigger Self " will then emanate and attract flow, openness, freedom and abundance back to ourself and also out into the world. The INTEGRATION will then have begun! How Do We Create the Integration ? These two selves are always at work with-in us. Talking to us. Our relationship with them is one of the most valuable relationships we can have, for they form our relationship with every outside person, place or thing. It is a matter of integrating these two selves and our attention to what they are saying that is one of the first places to start. The beginning of our transformational work. We do this by bringing to the “ little self ” the impatient, never-enough and deeply self conscious and insecure one, a voice of understanding and love and a Re-Direction. This takes practice and requires a commitment to being our own deep viewer and observer of what we are thinking and saying. Just as we continually have to redirect a toddler out of their mischief or pain, the bigger self, as the viewer and observer, brings truth to the small self's maniacal assumptions. Most of these assumptions ( judgmental and critical accusations of self and others ) are basically downloaded misinformation brought about by hard wired thought forms, beliefs and stories from past experiences in this life or past ones . This RE-Direction is truly bringing to ourself the parent we feel we never had. A voice of what the real truth is in the situation without high emotion as the dominant force. A loving, kind and supportive re-directon that brings balance to the "small self's demands and harsh accusations and opinions. To me, this is a huge part of self mastery and it is a different type of work. It is a reflective work and serves to bring us more Peace, Power and Presence in our daily life. Meditation and sitting with pen and paper reflecting on our dialogue and feelings is one of the best places to start. Why? The avoidance of this deeper relationship with ourselves will having us constantly seeking things ( people, places, things and vices, the dopamine drivers ) on the outside to provide us with the Inner Integration. Yes, it always goes back to going with-in! Also a Transformational Coach helps. ;-) What I Advise If you are ready to dive into this deeper work of Self Empowerment and Transformation or just want to have a session to better understand what is involved in a RE-Direction hit me up! I not only do Intuitive Readings but also Transformational Empowerment Coaching for integrating these two aspects. Counsel and scheduled accountability sessions are highly recommended, as we typically fall back into the same habitual behavior when not making our Transformation toward Integration a priority. I offer a 15- 20 min free consult to chat about what is involved and help us determine if we are a good fit. Take Care and Have a Beautiful Day! RE-Imagine That! Re-Imagining Our Inner World For World Change. Cynthia Spiece 928.257.9588 @cynthiaspiece Ready to Schedule a Time to chat ? >>>> Please remember. All ideologies that I express in my work have been chosen by sifting and selecting information that feels Intuitively spot on to me. My lifelong passion and obsession with all things transformational has seen me in many different situations in life , as well as, studying and applying many different spiritual, religious and inspirational modalities. I do not ask or expect that you take these ideas and beliefs on as your own. I ask that you only take from my work, what feels like a hit for you intuitively, pitch the rest and keep moving toward your Peace, Presence and Power. This will change the world. One person at a time. You Do You. “There is a concept that a person can create their your own reality. This concept is only partially correct because it is generally discussed in a one-way manner i.e., a person sending a message to the field with a request/intention/prayer desiring an outcome. This is only ½ of the loop. The wave you’re sending is the feed-forward part of the loop. You need to realize that the wave coming back is the feed-back which is the rest of the universe creating its reality and responding to you. The universe (Planck Field or ”the Divine”) interacts with the rest of humanity and your creation and the universe gives you a result that is a combination of everyone’s feed-forward waves. If a person could create a reality exactly the way they wanted it, a few things would happen: 1) you would be the only one in it because everybody else would be creating their own. It would be very lonely. 2) you’d also be bored within seconds since you had everything you wanted. What happens is that you put your intention out into the field and you stay open to what comes back, realizing it’s going to get modified for the highest evolution of the whole. This unexpected feed-back gives you empathy for yourself and others. You might not get exactly what you expected but now you’re learning from the experience. The totality of everyone’s learning is how the universe learns about itself.”
–– Nassim Haramein |
Empower Yourself As an Empath with Cynthia and Barb | |
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I'm excited to share I'll be in Sedona on April 16, 2023! Check out what we have in store for you! (Downloadable Flyer Below)
Empower Yourself as an Empath Workshop
SUNDAY APRIL 16th, 2023 | 9:30A - 5:00P
An all-day interactive workshop designed to help you discover, understand and deepen your intuitive abilities and give you tools to empower your life.
*Water, Tea, coffee available
Price : $150
Empower Yourself as an Empath Workshop
SUNDAY APRIL 16th, 2023 | 9:30A - 5:00P
An all-day interactive workshop designed to help you discover, understand and deepen your intuitive abilities and give you tools to empower your life.
- Sedona Center for Enrichment and Harmony, 431 AZ-179 Suite A6, Sedona, AZ 86336
- Water Bottle, Pen and Paper, Favorite Oracle or Tarot Deck, Open Mind
*Water, Tea, coffee available
Price : $150
Downloadable Flyer:

Empower Yourself as an Empath - April - Sedona | |
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