Merry Blessed Christmas and Happy Cosmic New Year! Three Days Left and Counting and another 11 days and 2022 is ours! Need any last minute gifts? Want to give YOURSELF or SOMEONE YOU KNOW a little wondrous woo-woo, insight, clarity and perhaps some spiritual and transformational tools they could use for this upcoming New Year? Here you go!
* Receive Discounted Rate 'til New Years Eve Day.... Gift Cards are available for purchase for yourself or your loved ones! Any denomination is groovy. $15 to whatever... do keep In mind a thirty minute session is $60, 45 min. $90 and a one hour session is $120. NEW CLIENTS will get a 15 to 20 min. free consultation in addition to their purchased session. You also get the discount until the last day of this YEAR! * TO the TRIBE that BUILT ME.... If you are a regular client of mine and are grandfathered in at a different rate than above, your regular rate will apply to purchase. After all, you have kept me afloat through all the years and I am extremely grateful. RE-Imagine That ! would not still exist without your extreme dedication to me and your spiritual growth. and Yes! you still get the end of year discount! Purchase some of your 2022 sessions for yourself now if you want! * Ready to Purchase??? You can go to my website ( link below ) and go to the navigation bar and click on Services and a Pay Online option will appear. Click that and send me the amount you want the card to be for. Then email, message or text ( 928.257.9588 ) and tell me who you are and let's chat about the specifics! OR I can invoice you through Paypal or Venmo or you can shoot me your card # and I will charge you. All you need to do is email, text or message me with your gift card amount and I will email you a copy of the card with the your name, the name of your loved one you are giving the gift card to and the amount. You can then print, email or message them the card. It is that easy. OR Just call me if this is all too damn confusing. I can totally relate to that! * Links, Rules and Regs.... - Gift Cards do not expire - 15 percent off sale ends New Years Eve at 11:59 pm. - I am only showing the Options for Intuitive Readings in this post. For a DEEPER description of each of my SERVICES; Rituals of Release, Energy Balancing, Clearing and Healing, RE-Imagine You ! Guided Meditations, Connecting with loved ones that have passed on, ( Mediumship ) and Intuitive Transformational Therapy go to : * GO here to PAY : Please Note : If you or your gifted friend did not receive what they were wanting or expecting, I do have a full money back guarantee. Contact Info : [email protected] 928. 257. 9588 Peace, Love and Lots of RE-Imaginings! Cynthia #yourvibmatters #freshenupyourfrequency #spiritualgifting #lovewillwinintheend
Hey There RE-Imaginers!
15 to 20 percent of the population are HSP's divided equally between men and woman. I have attached below a great Tedtalk on the VALUE of Highly Sensitive People. How honoring High Sensitives and the gifts they bring instead of shaming them into toughening up and flying right will change the trajectory of this world. " Be a man's man. Don't be a sissy. Stop being a sensitive, blubbering female. You're crazy. You can't handle it " All of these statements produce more division and less unity, compassion, and cohesiveness in an already wounded world. Not to mention the stress this shaming and then repression of feelings puts on the body. The violence and anger, addiction, sickness and disease from this repression of feelings is off the chain right now. It is time to heal. It is time to stop the bias bullshit and on the flip side it is also time to stop feeling victimized by the righteousness, judgement and criticism that the bias contains. It is nothing more than the false personality validating it's worth via projection of it's belief's onto you, hoping you will take the bait and follow its lead. Make it the hero. Try not to. I believe there are no hero's and there are no villain's. You have your own knowing of who you want to be and how to do YOU. Get a good connection with your Source and get on with it to ..... CrEaTe Internal BaLaNcE We need to look at how we have been programmed in the past with these judgements and heavy indoctrination from shows like Father Knows Best, All in the Family and others...with Leaders who set the tone for " the right way to do and be " in this life and begin to look with-in and understand that our feelings, our sensitives, as well as, our logical, rational aspects make up the whole of who we are as humans. Deciding to integrate these two aspects of ourselves, instead of throwing one out so the other can lead will take us into a more Balanced Self and World. As WiTh-iN, so WiTh-OuT. That is my two cents. Once again. Happy Sunday and EMOTE ( if you feel like it ) and refuse to call yourself weak. Just don't hurt anyone in the process. Kindness is key. Peace IN, Cynthia Spiece [email protected]@cynthiaspiece Learn more about who I am! Hey there RE-Imaginers! Who doesn't want to be a deliberate, magnetic creator of their day.? You can be and this segment intending business can be a really helpful tool to doing just that. This particular idea and above wisdom came from Esther Hicks ( Abraham ) and is key to taking control of your day, week, month, etc. by giving you a FEELING that you are doing your life and it is not doing you. It is especially helpful if you are having angst about the days events or feel like you are overwhelmed or have no control about how you will manage your day. Below is what Segment Intending is all about. It can be done with any timeline. All that is needed is your focus....a little time, some paper ( or computer ) and pen and knowing what you want to create and how you want to feel ! Wanting one specific thing or several in a segment is fine. I believe what the above words are trying to convey is that when we focus our attention on one specific thing instead of a lot of random, unconnected things, (which scatters the energy ) manifestation is affected in a more powerful way. Just be sure to make this fun and don't get too hooked into the days events happening just like you intended. It is a balance of fun intending, surrender and practice. Dividing Your Day Segment intending starts with dividing your day into ‘segments’ where a segment is like a group of activities related to one ‘chunk’. A segment could be for example ‘waking up’, ‘preparing yourself for the day physically (taking a bath, ‘having breakfast’, ‘driving to work’, etc. ) Preparing For A Segment. The idea of segment intending is to create an energetic influence over the day ( week or month ) events. Directing the energy and not have the energy fall into a predicted pattern or default pattern of creation. So here we go....give each segment a title and ask yourself the following questions and write the answers down:
Start Your Day and ALLOW What you are Wanting Find YOU! Begin your day even if that is not the segment you put the intention into and allow the manifestation to find you. Hold on LOOSELY and at the end of the day review what you have written down/intended. . See what energetic matches may have occurred. Your observation will attract more matches to you! Result You may be amazed with the result if you give this a whirl. Perhaps magic will come back into your life. The synchronicities, divine lineups and answered prayers could start happening and your faith in this unseen energy and power that is here and has your back, may be restored. Who knows. Jump off the cliff and take back your life. Remember, you must ask and the asking is in the Intending. I also want to include this video by Joe Dispenza on Creating your Day which is along the same lines. I love it and have used it with much success and amazement at the way things line up with-out the energy of "trying ". You may too. Email or message me and let me know what you have manifested! I love to hear your stories! Peace In! Cynthia [email protected] @cynthiaspiece Learn more about me! " Your reality is but a reflection of your strongest beliefs " .Hey Deep Feelers!
I read something this morning that hits on some truths for us HSP's, Empath's and quite frankly all Deep Feelers and Thinkers! I have attached the link below. After reading the article I decided I wanted to point out a few things that I felt would help us in dealing with the challenges that our sensitivities offer. Here goes. I feel that learning how to ALLOW the overwhelm, confusion, emotions of others ( or the world ) that are enmeshing into our mind and body to MOVE THROUGH US and NOT BECOME US is the KEY WE NEED in order to have a deeper relationship with our own power and purpose for being here. OUR OWN BROADER VISION of what WE WANT FOR OUR LIFE will not play out FULLY until we practice doing this and learning what our unique recipe for release is. It is here we will find the PEACE and PRESENCE and POWER that we have been seeking. This takes time and compassion for ourselves, as we learn to not allow our deep empathy and knowing and sensing of other people's feelings to throw us too far into the Over or Under-Giving Mode. We will swing between both extreme's until we have learned balance. Learned self love. Learned what our happy place is between setting too strong of boundaries and also over-giving and over-doing. Both choices can lead us straight into the arms of depression, anger, anxiety, exhaustion and even sickness. When the overwhelm and exhaustion sets in, track back in your day ( or week ) and pinpoint where you swung too far to one side or the other. Then decide how you will handle the same or similar scenario differently in the future. Play it out in your mind. Journal about it. This will help you really understand how you may give yourself away too loosely or hold your power too tightly. Both can knock on us hard and make us emotionally depleted and sometimes lashing out or have us shutting down........or both. Anyway.... We can do this! That middle place will reveal itself to us as a feeling that immediately puts us in alignment and as we keep watching and practicing managing our energy input and output, we will become a much closer match to our VISION and DREAMS. Keep going. Keep being compassionate and keep striving to understand how you tick. It is the best work you will ever do. 🧿 7 Breakdown to Breakthrough Strategies 1. Track what particular people or situations cause you to swing into overwhelm, emotional lashing out or shutting down. ( Fight, Flight, Freeze or Fawn ) 2. Notice how you are feeling (quick check-ins) and the shifts in moods you have. Is it yours or have you picked up on the emotions of someone else and now you are wearing their energy and perhaps feeling their discomfort as your own? 3. Practice allowing another's drama, story's and feelings to move through you. Saying to yourself "Isn't this interesting ", rather than " How can I FIX, CHANGE, RESCUE or CONTROL this. " Close your eyes and move the energy through your field. Observe don't absorb and then decide what your next aligned move on the chessboard will be. Making yourself a conduit for energy transformation, not a holding tank. 4. Observe how you swing. Too far to left (high emotion)? Too far to the right (shut down)? Decide where the middle is for you and take it with you into the next situation that has you feeling at odds. Journal. 5. Notice how you may be using an addiction to anything ( people, places and things ) as a numbing agent in order to feel good and restore emotional balance, which is a temporary "feel good" and not true alignment and will see us right back in the same cyclical dysfunction of over or under-giving and doing. Absorbing and not observing. Saying yes when we actually meant no. 6. Have a strong VISION of where you are going with your own life. If you don't, you could be making other people's dreams come true at the expense of your own. 7. Play with your Vision consistently and know you have all that it takes to be the Newly RE-Imagined You. Dream small or big. This is your story and your life. Use your intuition on what part you want to play in your vision. What honest and true role do you want to have? Don't allow other people or the "shoulding, shaming, guilting voices" in your head, tell you how to DO YOU. They are old, outdated and are part of a conditioning that you cannot take with you into the NEW YOU. Rely on your gut, your unique value system and what spirit is revealing to you. You know what you want to create for yourself and if you don't, take an inventory of what holds high value to you. It is there you will find the clues to what makes you thrive. And remember.....we create our life, the people, circumstances and situations through a process that we are doing every minute of everyday. Thinking a clear thought or focus which automatically creates in us a feeling, which creates a frequency and that frequency will attract back to itself matching frequencies in the form of people, places and things. Keep your focus and feelings on your Power. Your Presence. Your Peacefulness. Your Purposeful. Your Prosperity and refuse to grovel in the lower frequencies for very long, knowing that they are just a part of an old you that has made suffering the norm and you are rising above that practiced way of being. Feeling Good is the Deal that Creates and Heals. You GOT this! Here is the link to the article again.... 14 Problems Only Empaths Will Understand. Cynthia Spiece Learn more about me! di·vin·i·ty/dəˈvinədē/noun
Peace In, Cynthia Hey there RE-Imaginers!
I have been thinking this morning about "Allowing IN" the thing we are wanting and dreaming about creating in our world and our life. Speaking the words " I NOW ALLOW " and the difference in feeling that these words project out into the field, as compared to I AM CREATING, WANTING, NEEDING etc. We typically come from a mindset of “ I need to do this to get that“ or “ I want to be this or think this way in order to create what I am visualizing “ and then we jump on the Linear Train and try to create from that mindset, but what about flipping ourselves onto the Flow Train of minding our Creation Station? Taking the Linear Train is one way to get our stuff, you know, the things that we think we will feel better in the having of them, BUT how about we just FLIP the SCRIPT and FLOW by saying “ I now allow ____( whatever you are wanting to create ) __________to come to me Easily and Effortlessly " and then we just get on with the business of shelling those peas, changing that diaper or taking a happy, hippy hike in the woods. All the while allowing the Universal Manager of All Great and Groovy things to be in charge of the delivering of the goods. You see what we are wanting is already out there. It already exists. All kinds of signs and situations will begin to show up to support us in the having of it, if we just ALLOW it in...and let the allowing do the healing of all the belief blocks that may be keeping our desires and dreams at a distance. In other words. SPEAK the ALLOWING and lose the TRYING, WANTING or NEEDING TO CREATE IT, which carry a denser frequency. Allowance is a high frequency feeling and counters resistance that the words trying, wanting and needing can carry with them. I NOW ALLOW _______(Your Dream, Idea, or Preference)_______ to come to me EASILY and EFFORTLESSLY. BOOM.... FLIP THE SCRIPT and let me know what magic you and spirit create for yourself, your family and the world! #INowAllow Much of what looks like the world is falling apart is actually Ascension. What may look like the Apocalypse or Armageddon to the dying ego, is in fact Ascension to an awakening of the Soul. Everything that existed as part of the old paradigm and 3D ways of life, based on the myth of separation from Source and polarity consciousness, all the systems that upheld scarcity consciousness, fear, greed, racism, slavery (any form including debt and financial slavery), abuse, wars, human trafficking, environmental destruction, etc. are breaking down. What we are seeing crumbling before our eyes is a healing crisis en mass. This is a death and rebirth process. The old needs to fall away to make space for the new, so that we can all exist and co-create a 5D world together, based on unity consciousness and connection/co-creation as and with Source, love, and the sacred union between the divine feminine and divine masculine- the two polarities that live within us all. -Source Unknown Clue me in if you find out who wrote this gem. Understanding States of Consciousness: 3D, 4D 5D and More..... By Tanaaz Chubb Website: There is no doubt that other dimensions or realms exist in this Universe. You may have seen them yourself through your dreams or through astral travel. You may have felt the experience of deja vu, or simply felt through a meditation that there is so much more to what we can comprehend. Just like we have different dimensions in this Universe, we also have different dimensional states of consciousness. These dimensions available to us on Earth are referred to as 3D, 4D and 5D. These dimensions are not actual places but rather they are states of consciousness. Here on Earth, we are all living life in either 3D, 4D, 5D or a combination of all three. In fact, it is most likely that majority of people on Earth are moving back and forth across two or three of these dimensional states of consciousness depending on where they are in their lives. Even though we are all living on the same planet and are surrounded by the same world, our perception of it will be different depending on which state of consciousness we are choosing to see things at. Those perceiving things from a 3D state are going to walk through life much differently to someone perceiving things from a 5D state. Living from 3D State Living from a 3D State 3D consciousness is viewing things from a purely physical state. You are seen as an individual that is separate from others. Life feels like “the survival of the fittest” and you are identified by the way you look, the job you have, the car you drive and the people you surround yourself with. You feel fearful about missing out or not having enough. Things are perceived as being good or bad and life is a competition. There is not enough for everyone and some people have to miss out. Fulfillment is found in making money and social status. Your thoughts have no power over your reality and what comes your way in life is simply a coincidence. You rely on your five senses to move through the world. There is a lot of joy in living life from the 3D state but pain and deeper emotions can be difficult to manage. In a 3D state there is no desire to go within or to look at things from a deeper stand point. Life is played out by skimming the surface. There is no desire to dig deep or to understand the deeper meaning behind things. Living from a 4D State Many people believe that the 4th dimensional state acts like a “gateway” to the 5th. When in 4D it is easy to travel back to a 3D state, however this jump in consciousness is much more difficult when you reach a 5D state. 4D consciousness begins to awaken to the idea that we are all connected and that there is more to life than what meets the eye. Thoughts are powerful and can shift the way reality is perceived. Duality and the idea of good and bad is still experienced, but there is more compassion and understanding behind it. There is an opening to the importance of diet, meditation and leading a healthy lifestyle. What you put into your body becomes important and there is a desire to pay attention to how your actions effect the environment and those around you. There is a strong desire to find your purpose and to follow your passions. You understand that life is meant to be enjoyed and that you are worthy to live the life of your dreams. You perceive the world through 6 senses and your intuition starts to grow and expand. You seek a deeper meaning to life and you can start to see the synchronicity/magic of the Universe. Living from a 5D State Once you reach a 5D state of consciousness, it is very difficult to go back to a 3D state. From this level of consciousness you begin to understand that we are all one and we are all connected. Life becomes an adventure of growth and there is no such thing as good or bad. There is a higher purpose for all things and every experience holds meaning. There are stronger feelings of love and connectedness with others, the planet and even the galaxies around us. Love and compassion reign supreme and there is a lack of judgement. You understand that everyone is just on their own journey. Everyone is considered to be equal and there is a desire to live from a place of pure authenticity. You understand that your purpose is to live your truth and to seek the joy. From this state, you know that there is no competition and there is enough in the Universe for everyone. You feel overwhelming emotions of love and compassion for life, Mother Earth and the stars. Your intuition is extremely strong and you feel connected to angelic beings. It is important to remember that these states of consciousness are not “better” or “worse” than the other. Every soul on this Earth has their own journey to walk and their own reasons for choosing which dimensional state to live from. Even Higher States of Consciousness What is more interesting than these dimensional states are the ones that come next. There are higher states of consciousness, but these are believed to be only accessible after we have left our physical bodies. It is possible however, to access these states through meditation, our dreams and even with certain herbs/plant medicines. In higher states of consciousness there are 3 key differences –
--------------------------------------------------- So there you have it! A better understanding of the states of consciousness that we are expressing as ourselves! Remembering that these are descriptions of emotional perspectives and the beliefs that we hold. They are actually transient in nature and we are taking ourselves in and out of these with the very thoughts/feelings that we are choosing to have. I hope that this was helpful to you and gives you a better understanding of the roles that people are playing in your life, perhaps their state of consciousness and your own! Again. We can travel in and out of these states on a daily basis and once we ground into one or two that we desire we will be able to maintain better alignment and more peace, presence, em-powerment and prosperity and become a closer match to the dreams that we are wanting to manifest. Eckhart Tolle says " Realize that nobody can act beyond their level of consciousness " and I would add to that " unless they decide they want to do the work that it takes to change their state. " Do You ? Have you already ? Give me a call or text and let's work together to bring you into alignment with your best and highest self or just talk about what you have done to uplevel and where you want to go from here. Perhaps you would like to know what the next step spirit has for you, to bring your dream into manifestation or just have me tap into the energy of a certain situation in your life that you may need clarity or insight into. l also can help you move any stuck energy that may be keeping you from your next big move toward the betterment of you! Always here and cheering for YOU! Also check out Tanaaz Chubb's creation! - a website dedicated to spiritual wellness, mindfulness and healing. I love it and perhaps you will too. She is an astrologer and has some amazing things to say about what is going on planetarily right now! She also has written a book called Becoming Forever Conscious that you can download for 2.99 on Amazon that has a wonderful Daily Checklist to help keep your vibration Higher! She rocks the vibrational sock hop ! SO DO YOU ! Later! Peace and Love! Cynthia
l will be speaking at THE GLOBAL ONENESS PROJECT in New York City in just two short weeks! Monday Eve, May 13th @ 6:00 pm. Red Carpet and Networking starts @ 5:30. Shout out to those of you that hang your hat there or know someone that does and may want to take part in this event. Tickets are 20 buck-a-boos. Link below. The Global Oneness Project was created out of a passion for the respect, equality and connectivity of all human beings. The goal is to create a movement surrounded by the idea of oneness in the global community. In this age of the Internet and the world of digital media, the idea of “oneness” and connection becomes more and more important. Social responsibility to self, community and global society has become more critical than ever in our modern times. In my particular arena I will be speaking about the journey of integrating conflicting aspects of the self as part of creating the change necessary to bring more Oneness into the our World. Integration of our intuitive and rational aspects. You know... As with-in, So without kinda vibe. I also will be speaking about understanding ourselves as an energy system and how we "effect" our world and the choices we are faced with daily to create competitive or cohesive solutions to our greatest challenges. Soooooooo that's what's being served up on this end and there are more speakers that are speaking from their point of passion, as well.
Hippy, Happy New Year RE-Imaginers!!! Here is a wonderful link to an article called 19 Daily Journal Prompts that Will Change The Way You Begin 2019! I It takes the -Whole of You -to new heights ! The article stress' the importance of rituals in our day and the journal prompts will ROCK your FREQ! ALSO....something to think about.. WHAT ARE YOU REALLY PASSIONATE ABOUT? Focus more on those things, this year. Sit down and really think about what they are. The good energy that you will emit into your frequency will bring a whole host of abundance and wonderfulness into your life. I swear. ( Well not all the time, well sometimes, ok...ok... a lot in 2018, but I am working on that ) Even if you just rock one or two of your passions right will get to watch the divine line-ups move into your life. By giving some time and attention to what makes our FREQ FLY, and letting a few of the things that don't... GO....can bring to us amazing results in all areas of our life. Let's not forget a CLEAR and FOCUSED INTENTION coupled with an ELEVATED EMOTION (our Passion Projects brings high - good feelings ) will PULL into your FIELD ( very fast I might add ) what you are wanting. So what ROCKS YOUR FREQ???...Tell me what you are passionate about and what you really, really want, play some music, maybe dance the jig at the same time- and IN-VISION while IN-JOYiNG, FEELING what it is like to already HAVE it.
Example: I want more laughter in my life ... Apply this above exercise and then watch all kinds of evidence of it start coming into your life! ... Comedy shows, comedians, invitations to fun events, so many things making you giggle, pictures or movies of people smiling and laughing...anyway you get the drift, you've heard it all before.....! So share with us your stories of creation if you will. EVIDENCE through our stories, of how we have created the miraculous in our life, helps us all affirm what we already know about this process. It's a Quantum thing ya' know and basically...AS VIEWED, SO APPEARS. So View with Passion and intention and LOVE and KINDNESS as your objective and make 2019 the BeSt YEAR YET!.....and NEVER FORGET you are just that powerful ! #yourvibematters #raiseyourfrequency #journal #rockyourpassion #youareapowerfulcreator |
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