Cynthia Spiece is an Intuitive Reader and Coach, Medium, and Quantum Energy Practitioner with over 40 years experience in the world of metaphysics and transformational intuitive work.
As a young girl, Cynthia became aware that she would know things that she had no rational way of knowing. While practicing her gift for many years on friends, co-workers and family while also working in the fashion and design industry, she finally decided to make it her full-time occupation. She is a Certified Life Coach and Certified Reiki Master and Teacher. In addition she has a Masters Degree from the School of Incredibly Hard Knocks which forced her to RE-Imagine herself many times over.
Cynthia psychically reads and works with her clients Energy Frequencies and Bodies and the stories they tell and offers them insight and clarity into their issues of concern related to all aspects of their life, personal and business. She offers transformational tools and practices that aid them in raising their energetic vibration. This will help them attract to themselves a life matching the one they IMAGINEthemselves living. She is also a medium and channel whereby she has the ability connect her clients with loved ones who have crossed over in order to bring understanding and closure.
Although much of her work is done one-on-one via telephone, she also offers in-person and video chat sessions. Her past workshops have included Living Intuitively, Empower Yourself as an Empath, Deepen Your Intuition, Dreamweaver, Raise Your Vibes, and Ask, Believe, Receive.
Cynthia's business, Re-Imagine That! is named after her intent that we deepen our understanding of the quantum world we live in, as well as the brains role in creating our patterns and habitual responses. She has come to learn through experience the power of our thoughts, words and deeds and the importance of aligning all three. It's become apparent in her work over the years that the vibrational frequency of our FOCUS produces the vibrational equivalent.
“My work is more than just a psychic reading, although that helps give my clients clarity, insight and a new direction “ she says. “It goes beyond—it’s about seeing the invisible and believing in the impossible. It is now imperative that we RE-IMAGINE some of our current creations, thereby creating more peace, presence, and non-egoic power in our personal lives which in turn will manifest into the world. The marriage of science and spirituality is finally happening and it started with us seeing the value of that union and acknowledging the dance the two create in our lives and in our world “
Cynthia currently splits her time between Arizona and Southern California. Her hobbies are photography, writing, painting, designing, meditating, yoga and all things relating to transformation, conscious awareness and awakening.
October 20th 2020: Raise Your Vibration, Remove Entity Influence & Essential Oils are Toxic
Tune in to hear all about:
1) What causes people to be at a low vibration?
2) Entity Influence and people who are at a low vibration
3) How to raise your vibration?
4) How does entity influence affect someone?
5) Essential Oils are Toxic.
Cynthia Spiece is an Intuitive Reader and Counselor, Medium, and Quantum Energy Practitioner with over 40 years experience in the world of metaphysics and transformational intuitive work.
As a young girl, Cynthia became aware that she would know things that she had no rational way of knowing. While practicing her gift for many years on friends, co-workers and family while also working in the fashion and design industry, she decided 10 years ago to make it her full-time occupation. She is a Certified Life Coach and Certified Reiki Master and Teacher. In addition she has a Masters Degree from the School of Incredibly Hard Knocks which forced her to RE-Imagine herself many times over.
Our imaginations are our most vital tool in creating our world. Our inner thoughts and feelings translate into our imaginations, creating a story we tell ourselves about our world. – These thoughts are forms of energy and attract back to us the same, thereby creating what we are “seeing” in our world.
Let me give you a simple example: look up from reading this and scan the room you are in. Do you realize that everything you see first started as a thought? Then it turned into something physical, a physical manifestation of the imagining. So as we look at our life we can see that everything in our world is the physical manifestation of thought. By aligning our thoughts and feelings with what we intend and then become that very intention, we create a life that is rich with people, situations and things that will carry us and those around us to our greatest and highest calling. As with‐in, so with‐out. I like this quote by Greg Braden ..." The feeling is the is heard and it is answered " Asking ourselves, what are we feeling? Our thoughts are creating that what are our thoughts throughout the day comprised of?....
Are the majority of our thoughts/feelings telling us stories of victimhood, lack, low self worth and confusion? Need we wonder why we are seeing that out-splaying in our world in people, and situations? If we have a lot of joyful, focused, positive and "there is plenty of everything " thoughts/ feelings running through our day, yes, we will see evidence of that in our world, as well.
I believe once we work with the duality ( our light and shadow aspects ) within ourself and bring transformation and healing to this area, the warring that goes on with-in us will cease. It is then that we will begin to see an end to the warring in the world. It all starts with US and the relationship we are having with ourselves, which in turn co-mingles and co-creates and gives us back the reality that we are living in. As within-so without.
Let's Imagine Peace. A Peaceful You. A Peaceful Me.