.Hey Deep Feelers!
I read something this morning that hits on some truths for us HSP's, Empath's and quite frankly all Deep Feelers and Thinkers! I have attached the link below. After reading the article I decided I wanted to point out a few things that I felt would help us in dealing with the challenges that our sensitivities offer. Here goes. I feel that learning how to ALLOW the overwhelm, confusion, emotions of others ( or the world ) that are enmeshing into our mind and body to MOVE THROUGH US and NOT BECOME US is the KEY WE NEED in order to have a deeper relationship with our own power and purpose for being here. OUR OWN BROADER VISION of what WE WANT FOR OUR LIFE will not play out FULLY until we practice doing this and learning what our unique recipe for release is. It is here we will find the PEACE and PRESENCE and POWER that we have been seeking. This takes time and compassion for ourselves, as we learn to not allow our deep empathy and knowing and sensing of other people's feelings to throw us too far into the Over or Under-Giving Mode. We will swing between both extreme's until we have learned balance. Learned self love. Learned what our happy place is between setting too strong of boundaries and also over-giving and over-doing. Both choices can lead us straight into the arms of depression, anger, anxiety, exhaustion and even sickness. When the overwhelm and exhaustion sets in, track back in your day ( or week ) and pinpoint where you swung too far to one side or the other. Then decide how you will handle the same or similar scenario differently in the future. Play it out in your mind. Journal about it. This will help you really understand how you may give yourself away too loosely or hold your power too tightly. Both can knock on us hard and make us emotionally depleted and sometimes lashing out or have us shutting down........or both. Anyway.... We can do this! That middle place will reveal itself to us as a feeling that immediately puts us in alignment and as we keep watching and practicing managing our energy input and output, we will become a much closer match to our VISION and DREAMS. Keep going. Keep being compassionate and keep striving to understand how you tick. It is the best work you will ever do. 🧿 7 Breakdown to Breakthrough Strategies 1. Track what particular people or situations cause you to swing into overwhelm, emotional lashing out or shutting down. ( Fight, Flight, Freeze or Fawn ) 2. Notice how you are feeling (quick check-ins) and the shifts in moods you have. Is it yours or have you picked up on the emotions of someone else and now you are wearing their energy and perhaps feeling their discomfort as your own? 3. Practice allowing another's drama, story's and feelings to move through you. Saying to yourself "Isn't this interesting ", rather than " How can I FIX, CHANGE, RESCUE or CONTROL this. " Close your eyes and move the energy through your field. Observe don't absorb and then decide what your next aligned move on the chessboard will be. Making yourself a conduit for energy transformation, not a holding tank. 4. Observe how you swing. Too far to left (high emotion)? Too far to the right (shut down)? Decide where the middle is for you and take it with you into the next situation that has you feeling at odds. Journal. 5. Notice how you may be using an addiction to anything ( people, places and things ) as a numbing agent in order to feel good and restore emotional balance, which is a temporary "feel good" and not true alignment and will see us right back in the same cyclical dysfunction of over or under-giving and doing. Absorbing and not observing. Saying yes when we actually meant no. 6. Have a strong VISION of where you are going with your own life. If you don't, you could be making other people's dreams come true at the expense of your own. 7. Play with your Vision consistently and know you have all that it takes to be the Newly RE-Imagined You. Dream small or big. This is your story and your life. Use your intuition on what part you want to play in your vision. What honest and true role do you want to have? Don't allow other people or the "shoulding, shaming, guilting voices" in your head, tell you how to DO YOU. They are old, outdated and are part of a conditioning that you cannot take with you into the NEW YOU. Rely on your gut, your unique value system and what spirit is revealing to you. You know what you want to create for yourself and if you don't, take an inventory of what holds high value to you. It is there you will find the clues to what makes you thrive. And remember.....we create our life, the people, circumstances and situations through a process that we are doing every minute of everyday. Thinking a clear thought or focus which automatically creates in us a feeling, which creates a frequency and that frequency will attract back to itself matching frequencies in the form of people, places and things. Keep your focus and feelings on your Power. Your Presence. Your Peacefulness. Your Purposeful. Your Prosperity and refuse to grovel in the lower frequencies for very long, knowing that they are just a part of an old you that has made suffering the norm and you are rising above that practiced way of being. Feeling Good is the Deal that Creates and Heals. You GOT this! Here is the link to the article again.... 14 Problems Only Empaths Will Understand. Cynthia Spiece Learn more about me!
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